This blog is designed to make you "think". Also to encourage,exhort,edify and "Warn" the saints of God as we see the day of The Lord on the horrizon.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hold Tight To Your Faith Saints

Saints we are living in a day and an hour in which if it were possible even the very elect of God would be deceived.

There are so many different doctrines, so many open blatant attacks on true Christianity, and the written Word of God, that one has to be secure in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ/Yeshua, and solidly planted in the Word of Truth.
The Word must be in our minds, our hearts, our souls, saints our lamps must be full of the Holy Spirit, or saints we will not be able to stand in the days ahead.

Now call this doom and gloom that is your choice, pay no heed that also is your choice. I have no choice but to share these things with you. For what God tells us in secret we must shout on the housetops…Amen.

The principalities and powers are unleashing everything at their disposal to destroy the church once and for all. They have been given permission to wear out the saints of The Most High. This is important to know and remember, so that when this time is upon us we will not be surprised, but have a peace through it, trusting in our Lord.

We must practice this faith now in our current circumstances. We must not be swayed by the things that are allowed to come against us. We must trust that the Lord is working to perfect us, to bring us up higher, to cause us to grow in our faith. We must know that we can trust Him with our very lives, and the lives of our loved ones.

Let us not be consumed with whether we are loved by others, remember our Savior was despised and rejected of men. He told us that we would be hated of all men for His names sake. He told us that our enemies would be those of our own households. He told us not to be surprised at the firey trials that would come against us. God said He would have a tried and a tested people. Well saints how can you be tried and tested if you have no trials and tests in your life, elementary my dear friend, expect them dear saints, thank God for them. In all things give thanks saints.

Next time you feel like you have the heaviest burden to bear, read the book of Job, and consider the contradictions our Lord and Savior endured to the end, without sin..Amen. We are in good company in our trials saints. We don't have the time to waste on feeling sorry for ourselves. If you think people just don't understand you, don't love you, don't be perplexed, they didn't understand and love Jesus/Yeshua either.

Let us not be consumed with ourselves as many in the world and the church would have us do. We can have the victory over ourselves in Him, by Him and through him....Amen. Saints the devil wants us consumed with ourselves and our own misery, don't let him have that much power over you. Draw near to God resist those feelings being thrown at you from the powers of darkness...and they will flee from you. Look up saints concern yourself with the things of the heavenlies, not the things of this earth.

Remember, He taught us to look up, to trust in Him. He has a plan saints that even the powers of the prince of the air cannot stop.

We are to yearn for Heaven and to be with Jesus, yet we are to occupy till He comes.
We are to fight the good fight of faith saints. We are not to waist our energy on sleepless nights concerning ourselves with the attacks of the enemy. We are to learn to recognize his devious schemes. We are to stand firm in our faith with nothing wavering saints. Know that all His saints are under attack by the same enemy, that we all are fighting the good fight of faith, be encouraged saints you’re not alone. It will be worth it all saints, it will be worth it all in the end, Amen.

Ps...I know of what i speak in all these things dear saints, because I have had and still have to fight these things myself, but let me tell you dear saints God is faithful.


Marcel said...

We don't have the time to waste on feeling sorry for ourselves. If you think people just don't understand you, don't love you, don't be perplexed.

Going thru God's boot camp is not easy on the flesh.
God's end result in this training is to kill the flesh because only then can Jesus work thru us.
Wahgt most self absorbed saints do is drop out of boot camp because is is too painful and moder day Christianity is not about pain ,but me ,myself, and I with large potluck helpings of pleasure and prosperity mixed in.
When we're dead to the flesh ,there is no hurt or pain .Dead flesh feels neither.
The problem is the Church has replaced God and now worships self ,the flesh and this is why our works are dead and fruitless.
You can hear the the worship of man sermons from most pulpits today and books from these false teachers who have place man on the throne instead of God sell in the millions.
This is why so many flesh centered christians are so easily offended.
It's time to die.

A Seed Sower said...

Amen Marcel, death to the flesh is what we all need. Self crucifiction Amen

Anonymous said...

In relation to your posts of trials, tribulation and such; as I tried to take a short nap this afternoon, (which did not happen!) I thought of the dry, bleached bones Ezekiel saw in his vision ( I feel like that at times!).

I was walking myself through the process of how the bones got in this condition. They once were a nation walking about in fullness. They slowly fell, one by one. Nature, scavengers, decay took place over the years. They lay there until they became totally bare and eventually were nothing but dry, bleached bones. Useless; an entire valley as far as the eyes could see.

Then came God! Through the Prophet's obedience utterances of the words of God flesh, tendons, veins, flesh appears out of no where! The Spirit moves over these long dead bones and the spirit of life brings vigor into the picture. How our experiences seem to mirror the visions of the Prophets often times.

When something God has promised us, when we have been praying about matters and given up, when our faith seems to be at its "dry bone" dryest, GOD SHOWS UP!

Do not lose heart! He is in total control! He shakes the earth to cause people to cry out to Him in repentance and salvation. We must faithfully point the way.

The earth will shake, the ground will move, the sky will become aglow with strange and awesome scenes; the valleys will become afire and mountains will fall into the sea....but our Father which is in Heaven (hallowed be His Name) His Kingdom comes, His will is being done, on earth as it is in Heaven!

What a mighty God we serve! jrpeacher

Bonny said...

Dear Helen, the Lord speaks a timely word as usual. I needed this so much today. It was a firm encouragement for my situation, and I received it joyfully at this time. The Lord used it strongly, in conjunction with Michael's blog also. I know what I need to do, and that I need to obey. Each test seems harder, and I struggle and complain. But in the end, it is pleasing the Lord which is all-important, regardless of the anguish in flesh and soul; regardless of what others say, and the sympathy or well meaning advice they give. May we endure and be found worthy in the end! Bless you dear sister.