This blog is designed to make you "think". Also to encourage,exhort,edify and "Warn" the saints of God as we see the day of The Lord on the horrizon.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

They Know "Jingle Bells" But They Don't Know Jesus!

They celebrate "Christ-Mass" but they don't know Christ.

My eyes have really been opened concerning "Christ-Mass", and I am fully aware that this may make me as popular as a pork pie at a Jewish picnic, but none the less, I must share.

The Lord has been dealing with me on this subject for some time and this year, and at this time, it is has really become clear and blatant to me the contrast between "Christmas lovers" and "Christ lovers".

As I watched the news this morning a young lady was singing "Jingle Bells" all happy as a lark, and I know she doesn't know Christ or desire to live according to His Word.

Then they interviewed a little girl who was wanting a $100.00 doll for "Christ-Mass". She was trying to sell some of her other toys on "Craig's list" to purchase this other doll. The TV show evidently found this such a touching story that they purchased it for her. They were all thrilled with frankly disgusted me. This little girl, her mother and those Christ-less hosts were totally unaware that they had just taught and excellent lesson in covetousness.

That is what "Christ-Mass" is all about for most people, and I have to admit that I have fallen in that category myself for years. First I taught my kids to covet the best that we could afford for Christ-Mass, we even used to charge gifts for Christmas. Then as the years passed I began to teach the grand kids the same thing....Oh we didn't teach them about Santa Clause but we taught them to covet. We told them Christmas was all about Jesus, but it wasn't!

People say it's all about Christ, but we lie, it's all about who gets the best presents, who gives the best presents. It really is a disgustingly blatant exercise in covetousness. People say well its a time of year to get together with family, well why not get together with family all through the year, why not show love all year, why not be generous all year. Just a thought!

Then we have had "Christians" screaming not to take Christ out of Christmas, ...Christ never was in Christ-Mass...Christmas has its modern day roots in the church of Rome for the most part.

"Christ-Mass" in this day and time has been all about covetousness for years. Everyone wants a piece of "Christmas". Even the "Christian" Stores and ministries.....the covetousness is rampant, the children are drenched in it. It is all over the idiot box, everyone and there uncle has a "Christmas Special", and it's all about covetousness, not about Christ. You can see a sample of all this merchandizing of God's people here:

Just how many people are aware that Jesus was not even born in December, or that the Wise Men never visited Jesus when He was a baby?
How many know that Jesus wasn't born in a stable, more than likely He was born in a tabernacle.
For a great audio on the subject of Christmas:

While the world spends themselves silly and overeats this season, let us seek to be set free from the spirit of covetousness that overwhelms this season. God bless you all, yes I know it's hard to consider all these things, but if you want the truth seek Jesus on these things.

1 comment:

Diana Kukk said...

Thank you, Dear Sister, for speaking out. What you say is true. I was also under this awful delusion until the Lord opened my eyes! I have grown to really hate this time of year. I'm sure it's the enemy's favorite! It makes a mockery of the birth of our Holy Savior. All I can say is, May God have mercy on those whose eyes have not been opened. May they take the time to truly seek God and to think about what they are doing and why they are doing it.