The Lord has used me, one of his donkeys, to share His words with the church at different times. I have been mocked, called a gloom and doomer, ridiculed, and flatly rebuked by one pastor. In these things I rejoiced, as it is to be expected when God has something he wants to share, through one of his children, and the church doesn't want to acknowledge, or hear it.
The following was a word the Lord gave me on 5/1/1993. After praying for God to use me, and asking the Lord to let me feed more people, and telling Him I would say whatever He told me to say, I was not expecting the following!
"Stand therefore before the door of my House
and Prophesy saith The Lord......
There is a day coming when they shall seek me,
but they shall not find me.....
For when I called they would not answer,
when I sought them, they would not be found of Me.....
Therefore saith The Lord, They shall cry unto me,
but I shall not be found of them......
For as they have forsaken me,
so shall I forsake them in the day of trouble....."
The message was delivered to the church that I attended at that time. I should mention here that this was a church who's pastor told me when in a discussion on the last days, that the Antichrist did not even have to come, the book of revelation didn't have to come to pass, we could just pray it away. I was told that I was sounding just like David Wilkerson, only he meant it in a derogatory manner. He told me that is why David Wilkerson had been put out of the Assemblies of God because he was too negative to gloom and doom...I don't know if that is true..but God bless brother Wilkerson!
This was a pastor who wanted to take his whole congregation into the local Catholic church for joint worship services.
This was a pastor who brought in an evangelist from, I believe it was Ireland, who told me in a Sunday school class, when in discussion about Mother Teressa, and the catholic church, the following, "Who do you think you are, I'll have you know that the Pope is born again, and Spirit filled."
When asked if that were the case, why did the Pope not come out and tell the people the truth, his exact answer was..."Well you know how it is in the Assemblies of God, he doesn't want to upset their doctrine."......blatently absurd!!! and I might say devishly deceptive. I believe the man to have been an actual apologist for the Roman Catholic church.
This was also a church that was begged to keep standing against abortion, the shedding of innocent blood, in the city of Wichita, and who would not be moved by the pleas.
Sometimes I would ask the Lord, "Oh, Lord couldn't you give me something, "nice" to say," it would be so much easier just to be a pew sitter."
But you know what? I would rather say what the Lord tells me to say, whether it gains me friends or not! ............Our lives are not about pleasing men but pleasing God!
Oh people of God, make Him your priority, make Him your number one, make Him your all in all, before it is too late, and the door is closed, for surely the times of the gentiles are fast coming to a close.....
Currently, America is hanging by a thread, and fast approaching a possible nuclear Holocaust....
As a child of God you have nothing to fear, if God chooses this time to bring you into His eternal presence, you will go from this world into His presence in a flash...remember ...to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord....we need not fear for our small children, and be overwhelmed with worry, God shall overshadow them, and usher them into His Glory! He created them, and He shall overshadow them, by His Holy Spirit as He did Stephen.
Remember the disciples longed to be free of this present earth, and be with Christ in Glory. They were not desperately looking for a place to hide from trouble....they looked forward to being in the presence of the Lord once again.
Don't listen to voices telling you to run here or move there...for there shall be no place to hide...only in Christ, and if necessary, He will open Heaven for you as He did for Stephen, He is the God of all Comfort! It is He that holds our lives in His hands, and we can place absolute trust in Him, He is the one who brought us into this world and He shall be the one to take us out!
As my grandma used to say, "Cheer up my dear, you'll soon be dead." Make the most of today saint of God for His Glory and not your own.
If you are luke warm and you are a part of the Apostate church, or if you are one of the leaders of the luke warm church .....be afraid be very afraid, and repent while there is yet time!
Seed sower continue to speak the truth. I'm finding it most difficult to even have conversations about that which is biblical with members that still remain in the apostate church. They simply do not want to know what is the truth about the last days. And for a pastor to even suggest that someone can pray away the book of revelation is utter foolishness. But the cross is foolishness to them that perish. Continue to sound the alarm and yes those that remain in the apostate church system should be afraid.
Thank you for your continued faithfulness to the Word through your blog and youtubes, sis. It keeps me so encouraged, and helps me stand firm in the faith. Our fiery trials will last but a little while, and in the life to come it will seem like nothing. Maranatha!
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