This blog is designed to make you "think". Also to encourage,exhort,edify and "Warn" the saints of God as we see the day of The Lord on the horrizon.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Message To The Luke Warm Apostate Church

This is a message I received in 5/1/1993 after praying for God to use me and asking The Lord to let me feed more people. I told Him I would say whatever He told me to say, I was not expecting the following!:

"Stand therefore before the door of my House

and Prophesy saith The Lord.

There is a day coming when they shall seek me,

but they shall not find me.

For when I called they would not answer,

when I sought them, they would not be found of Me.

Therefore saith The Lord, They shall cry unto me,

but I shall not be found of them.

For as they have forsaken me,

so shall I forsake them in the day of trouble."

The message was delivered to the church that I attended at that time. Sometimes I would ask the Lord, Oh, Lord couldn't you give me something, "nice" to say, but you know what? I would rather say what the Lord tells me to say, whether it gains me friends or not. At the time it made me as popular as a pork pie at a Jewish picnic! (No offense meant to my Jewish friends!). Glory to God the Most High!

Oh people of God, make Him your priority, make Him your number one, make Him your all in all, before it is too late, and the door is closed, for surely the times of the gentiles are coming to a close.

1 comment:

Bonny said...

It is like the door of the ark being closed. It is serious - I do believe that there is a time of grace afforded to people, but woe to those who do not respond. I prayed earlier in the year that the Lord would increase my love for the lost, and that I would never again be ashamed of the whole truth of the Gospel, and He has answered, and is continuing to answer that, and I feel such an increasing urgency in these days. Your prophecy was in 1993 - how much less time is there now!! (You were like Jeremiah, Helen! A preacher once said something to me which has never left my mind: "No rights, no resources, no reputation, but Jesus only")