This blog is designed to make you "think". Also to encourage,exhort,edify and "Warn" the saints of God as we see the day of The Lord on the horrizon.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sarah Palin-Queen Esther?


Just what part of "It Is Finished!" doesn't the church world understand?

Saints why do you suppose some are calling Sarah Palin our Esther?

Why would the church in this day and hour need an Esther?

What was Esther’s function in Old Testament times?

Was she a type of Christ?

Was she an intercessor?

Why then would we need a type of Christ when we have the real Christ living in us?

Why do we need another intercessor, when we have our Great High Priest Jesus Christ Who intercedes for us daily?

Why do we need Sarah Palin to be our saviour and intercessor?
Just what is it we want her, or expect her, to save us from?
Why do we ever need to look to man for help?
When do we ever need to trust in the arm of man to save us?

When Jesus said “It is finished” He meant it is finished, "I have paid the price for you,in full. I have completed that which was set from the foundation of the world. You have no need of another, I am your all in all. "

Why then is the church seeking a Queen?
Are we as the world who wants a King?
Saints why do you suppose some want to hold up a mere human as our means of help our means of earthly salvation?

Could it possibly be because they love the world, they do not want to give up their earthy kingdoms, their power prestige and authority?
Could it be that they desire to be a part of the earthly authority themselves?
Just some questions fer ya!
Just to Make You Think Saints of God!!!!
Once again I must give thanks to God for a dear sister who helped me see, and think on these things, Glory to God! He is Faithful, He won't let His elect be deceived. Amen


randy said...

There is a western oriented Jesus, which is somewhat popular, still, in the USA and Western Europe, then there is the God and Saviour of Israel. Two distint beings, if you will. God has His own people in governments that obey, love and witness to those they work with. The Creator of all things does things on His timetable, in His own ways, and to bring about His will.

Gov. Palin may speak of Jesus, God and so forth; but her statements regarding a "two state" solution to regarding Israel in her time of great trial and turmoil sealed the decision for me; I am not going to vote this year. I cannot vote for a lesser of two evils. That is like not voting for the devil, but one of the lesser evil beings!

I do not say she is evil by any means. She very well represents American Christianity as we have known it. She is not ashamed to admit she is a follower of Christ. But how can you be a follower of Christ and not support His will for Israel? It does not match up; I do not care if it is the policy of every nation on earth and every governmental body that exists; God's Word and will cannot be circumvented in any way, shape or form....period.

Any compromise in regard to His stated will leads to destruction. 95% of what is said may be total truth, but the remaining 5% is poison and will lead to destruction. It is either 100% or nothing regarding His words. I repent of my past voting record and identification with the politicians who mouthed God and Jesus.

I agree with you whole heartedly Sister Helen. As a nation we are in dire circumstances, as Believers we are on the winning side and the trials, temptations, tears and prayers will reap eternal rewards. The time of identification with this world is drawing to a close. God is drawing a very distinct line "in the sand" and it is time to realize who we really are in Christ. It will not be a pleasant experience in the natural, but the glorious experiences will be undeniable to the world as they see the Almight Hand of God reveal His truth through us!

Diana Kukk said...

Thank you for posting this. I agree with you completely.

I do believe that God has his Saints serving in places that He wants them to serve. But I cannot see how a Christian who calls himself or herself a Disciple of Christ can be a politician. Politicians, in order to become elected, must give the "people" what they want. What if what they want conflicts with what the Word of God tells us. Jesus said that we could not serve two masters. We will end up loving one and hating the other.

That's my two cents worth!

Anonymous said...

I also agree with your article and with randy, I will not be voting and have not voted since the 80's. This need to look to mere men and women as a source of help instead of the true and living Christ is absurd, but it is the last days and the deception is growing daily in America. God help those who have not decided to trust in the only wise God of the Bible.

A Seed Sower said...

Amen, and thank you all for your comments they are of such encouragement to me.
Helen B.

Amy said...

Amen Helen and Randy. And thank you both for your blogs - I do check and read them once a week or so when I can get online.

Anonymous said...

All of the above is correct. I am voting for my godly frend Robert Ogg.

Navyguns said...

Well, if you cannot vote for Mccain/Palin, there are other alternatives. Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party comes to mind. That would be a positive vote for the good. Read their party platform, which they actually follow, and see if you agree.


Anonymous said...

God does not call Christians to sit back, throw up their hands and say I am not going to vote because the candidates do match my exact ideal. I get so frustrated with Christians who use this as an excuse to not get involved. If we all used your logic Jesus Christ would have not been able to complete his mission because his disciples were less than ideal candidates to carry out their purpose for their lives. I mean Peter denied Christ 3 times and all of them abandoned him during his final days on earth. Your walk with Christ is continual and life long....and we will never be perfect until that day when we are with Him. All of you who refuse to vote, should be ashamed. It is because of this philosophy that we are losing Christians leaders in our government. They may not be ideal, none of us are, but I can tell you it is better to have a pro-life, Christ follower as opposed people who do not value life and want to take God out of every aspect of our lives and government. I think Satan has worked on deceiving you that we can't have Christian political leaders. It is critical that Christians use their voting power. God blessed you by putting you in this country and he expects us to do our part. One small way to do your part is to vote! Don't let Satan continue to deceive you. If there is only one question you ask yourself before voting, does the candidate protect and value God given life? Let that be your guide. It is OK if those candidates are not perfect in every way....that's why God gave us the power of prayer. Cover them in prayer but at least you will know they have an underlying faith in God the Creator of all life. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!! God is calling you to get involved and lift up Christ following leaders.

A Seed Sower said...

Jodi, thank you for you comment. I am not sure where you are deriving the opinion that I am encouraging people not to vote. All saints must listen to what God tells them to do.
No polititian is our saviour, never has been, never will be, that is my point. We should not look to the arm of man to save us, but to God.
Polititians are compromizers, God is not. God hates those who compromise, He wants us to be hot or cold. He does not want us to look to the world for our help, He wants us to look to Him.
I can only speak for myself, I have always voted.
The things which pro-lifers, and some so called prophets promised would happen under George Bush did not happen. Only God can stop abortion.
We can attempt to reach out and minister to those going into abortion clinics, but only God can turn their hearts to not kill their babies.
You should not be so concerned about this election because God does not depend upon us to accomplish His will. He does not throw His hands up and say oh dear what am I going to do, they have foiled my plan. If you know the Word of God dear sister you will know that it is He who puts leaders in power, and it is He who brings them down.
God Bless
Seed Sower.

Anonymous said...

You people are ignorant of God's word and how He uses people in politics...It is with thinking minds like yours that gets America into the mess it is in now with the worst of all evil in office now! May God have Mercy on you for you not having the mind of Christ as His words warns!

A Seed Sower said...

On the contrary anon, we are not ignorant of how God uses polititians and leaders, we have a very fine example in Pharoh, and in the Esther of the Old Testament...the difference is that people in the church were looking at Sarah Palin as their means of help instead of looking to the Lord in repentance...We are not to look to men and women as our help...we are to look to God alone.
America wants to hold on to its prosperity..not to God...
God uses politians...he puts hooks in their noses if need be to have His will accomplished in the earth...God has given this nation what He wanted it to have, a leader that would bring His people to their knees....we are living in a time of judgment for america, and not just america, but the whole world..what you need my dear is discernment to know the day and the hour you are in, and you need to realised it cannot be prayed away, but that you do His will in your own life, and you need to pray that you may endure unto the end...pray for the lost whether they be polititions or not..GBU