This blog is designed to make you "think". Also to encourage,exhort,edify and "Warn" the saints of God as we see the day of The Lord on the horrizon.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Choosing to Trust God Every Day!!!!

You know saints, we have a choice when we get up every day, we can choose to worry, or we can choose to Trust God. We can choose to fret, and stew over things, and what if's, or we can rest in the peace of God which passes all human understanding.

We can contemplate our lives, and or the lives of our loved ones, and panic, we can look at news reports, that if we let them, could put anxiety and turmoil into our hearts.. In fact the scriptures tell us that men's hearts will be failing because of the fear that comes from observing all the turmoil and the things that are coming upon the earth in the last days...

There is a fear for every liking, as governments remove more and more "rights" that people thought they had, and fears and anxieties increase....

However the antidote for fear is trust in God.

He said that He cares for us, that He knows what we have need of before we even ask Him, He says He will provide for us, as He does the flowers of the fields, and the birds of the air...

He is our health insurance policy...because it is He who says when one lives or dies.

He has a plan for each of His children, and He shall bring it to fruition, regardless of any government ....or any man, or woman....or any circumstance...because He is God!

So saints think it not strange, this fiery trial that is besieging you, because it is working in you, for your good, and it is intended to draw you ever closer to your Heavenly Father...because He wants you to be 100% dependant upon Him for all things. He wants to be the center of your universe!!!!!

We are not to trust our own hearts, we are not to lean to our own carnal understanding, be are to trust in the One with whom NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!

1 comment:

Diana Kukk said...

Amen, sis. God is in control not us! Love you!