This blog is designed to make you "think". Also to encourage,exhort,edify and "Warn" the saints of God as we see the day of The Lord on the horrizon.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Idols of The Apostate Church Part 2

1. Pat Robertson
2. Rick Warren
3. James Dobson
These men along with many others teach Christians to get involved with politics, that we can change things. Well thousands have become involved, and what has changed folks?
Pro-lifers you have been duped, we still have the whole sale slaughter of the most innocent amongst us. We cannot put our trust in politicians. It is an insult to God when ever we get the mind set that we can stop abortion, we cant, but God can. Many have tried to gain notoriety for themselves in the abortion battle, many claim credit for closing abortion clinics. This is blasphemy, it is God who has closed abortion clinics. Christians steal glory that belongs to God. It is no wonder that we are in the mess we are in, in America.
These men have taught people to place their trust in man instead of putting our trust in God. Why would we want to trust any of the politicians that are on the scene today?
Politicians are people who lust for power, and politicians are the ones who have brought us to this point in our history, why on earth would we want to keep placing our trust in these men and women?
We have a president who we as Christians were encouraged to vote for, how has he drawn us closer to a Godly nation? He has encouraged Israel to divide her land, that is in opposition to the written command of God!
It is God that puts people in power, He gives us what we deserve.
As long as we trust ourselves to change our nation we will fail.
Where in the Word of God does it tell us to get involved in politics?
What happened when Israel cried for a king?
The Lord wants us to trust in Him not in man.
Why it is that Christians believe that they can legislate righteousness is beyond me, we are growing more evil by the day, man cannot change men's hearts. The only time we will have peace on this earth Rick Warren, Barrack Obama, is when Jesus Christ rules and reigns on this earth!
What we need to do as the church and a nation is REPENT and cry out to God to save our nation, but I fear we are a day late and a dollar short folks.

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