Great web site! Keep sounding the alarm! We need more and more saints to speak up against these false prophets and wolves who are feeding on God's people! I heard you speak a good word last night on Apostasy Watch Bible Study. I am a member of the fellowship, too. My name is Creeky37. God bless you sister; and keep up the good fight! Love in Christ, Diana
Hi Diana, Thanks so much for leaving a comment, it is an encouragement to me to know people are actually accessing the site. I do this because I love people and desire them to be set free from these false teachers apostels and prophets. I want people to know The Truth. It is only the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that can set people free. It is only in their own personal prayer time with the Lord that they will receive what they need to stand in the day in hour in which we are living. Again thank you for the encouragement I really appreciate it. I really enjoy the Apostacy Watch Bible Studies and thank God for the fellowship of believers, God bless you Creeky!
It is the fault of every God fearing man that false female teachers have arisen in the nation. Men have relinquished their rightful place as heads of the household; it is too difficult a task, it requires too much prayer and intercession, there are too many other things to do; let the women do it! Spiritual things are of a feminine nature, not manly!
How surprised men will be when they get a true revelation that we are also the Bride of Christ!
He is the head of His body. Men have given away their rightful, God appointed position as spiritual leaders of their households. It is our fault and we will be judged severely by God for this.
Thank God for Godly mothers who have not given up the fight! My mother is such a blessed one. God honors the prayers of mothers everywhere; He honors their prayers as they pick up the slack of lazy men who are in a spiritual stupor.
These women in your this blog are carrying the torch with false fire to the throne. Like the sons of Aaron, they will be destroyed and desolate when at the time appointed by God. So will their husbands unless both repent of their doctrinal errors.
Thank you for your article! You hit the nail right on the head.
I say "Amem" to what Randy posted. It does take a lot of work in the sense that believers need to study and see what scripture says about how we are to conduct ourselves in relation to others.
Yes, indeed, our believing men are not obeying God in their duties as husbands. They let their wives lead them around by their noses. And a lot of the women in the body imitate false teachers such as Beth Moore, etc. instead of being transformed into the image of Christ. The women at my former church could quote Beth Moore better than quoting scripture.
What a sad state the Church is in. It reminds me of the foolish virgins who did not keep their lamps ready with oil!
It is so sad to watch people who are engrossed in following after men and women instead of simply following Christ. Thanks Creeky I hadn't heard of Beth Moore before, I checked her out briefly, they all sure look like they have been cut with the same ole cookie cutter. It is such a pity, they seek to put themselves in the fore front instead of Christ. They teach people to follow them when they are not following Christ. Even more sadly people love to have it so.
I am merely one of the brethren, a wife, mother, and grandmother, and now a great grandmother who came to America as a lost soul from New Zealand in 1979. By the mercy and grace of God I was led by His Holy Spirit to Salvation in Jesus Christ our Lord in 1980, I received the baptism in the Holy Ghost the same year.
It is my desire to edify, encourage and warn, my fellow brethren, and be used of God for His Glory!
Great web site! Keep sounding the alarm! We need more and more saints to speak up against these false prophets and wolves who are feeding on God's people! I heard you speak a good word last night on Apostasy Watch Bible Study. I am a member of the fellowship, too. My name is Creeky37. God bless you sister; and keep up the good fight! Love in Christ, Diana
Hi Diana, Thanks so much for leaving a comment, it is an encouragement to me to know people are actually accessing the site.
I do this because I love people and desire them to be set free from these false teachers apostels and prophets.
I want people to know The Truth. It is only the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that can set people free. It is only in their own personal prayer time with the Lord that they will receive what they need to stand in the day in hour in which we are living. Again thank you for the encouragement I really appreciate it. I really enjoy the Apostacy Watch Bible Studies and thank God for the fellowship of believers, God bless you Creeky!
It is the fault of every God fearing man that false female teachers have arisen in the nation. Men have relinquished their rightful place as heads of the household; it is too difficult a task, it requires too much prayer and intercession, there are too many other things to do; let the women do it! Spiritual things are of a feminine nature, not manly!
How surprised men will be when they get a true revelation that we are also the Bride of Christ!
He is the head of His body. Men have given away their rightful, God appointed position as spiritual leaders of their households. It is our fault and we will be judged severely by God for this.
Thank God for Godly mothers who have not given up the fight! My mother is such a blessed one. God honors the prayers of mothers everywhere; He honors their prayers as they pick up the slack of lazy men who are in a spiritual stupor.
These women in your this blog are carrying the torch with false fire to the throne. Like the sons of Aaron, they will be destroyed and desolate when at the time appointed by God. So will their husbands unless both repent of their doctrinal errors.
Thank you for your article! You hit the nail right on the head.
I say "Amem" to what Randy posted. It does take a lot of work in the sense that believers need to study and see what scripture says about how we are to conduct ourselves in relation to others.
Yes, indeed, our believing men are not obeying God in their duties as husbands. They let their wives lead them around by their noses. And a lot of the women in the body imitate false teachers such as Beth Moore, etc. instead of being transformed into the image of Christ. The women at my former church could quote Beth Moore better than quoting scripture.
What a sad state the Church is in. It reminds me of the foolish virgins who did not keep their lamps ready with oil!
It is so sad to watch people who are engrossed in following after men and women instead of simply following Christ.
Thanks Creeky I hadn't heard of Beth Moore before, I checked her out briefly, they all sure look like they have been cut with the same ole cookie cutter. It is such a pity, they seek to put themselves in the fore front instead of Christ. They teach people to follow them when they are not following Christ. Even more sadly people love to have it so.
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