Sorry, but I can't help but ask, just what did this man and his leaders do, or not do, that just might have upset the BEAR?
Just something that makes ya go..hummmmm
This blog is designed to make you "think". Also to encourage,exhort,edify and "Warn" the saints of God as we see the day of The Lord on the horrizon.
If my memory serves me correctly, the President of Poland was blind sided by the United States when we changed our mind about giving the nation of Poland a protective shield; under the thought that the system(s) would protect the nation from Iranian missles. The former President Bush had proposed and the USA was ready to install the protective shield, even after much Russian protest. President Obama changed the whole idea late last year and decided against the move. The President of Poland was not liked by Putin of Russia for asking and allowing the US Missle Defensive shields installation.
Thanks for that interesting little gem of information Bro Randy... I have the feeling more interesting lil gems will pop out from under the cover of darkness shortly...
The President of Poland was also a good friend of Bibi Netanyahu. Go figure....sounds like the jackels are still in business and wratcheting up things a bit.
yes, I think that there are probably alot of people asking the same kind of questions. Quite chilling, the whole thing. I also read that Putin will be heading up the investigation into the crash.
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