This blog is designed to make you "think". Also to encourage,exhort,edify and "Warn" the saints of God as we see the day of The Lord on the horrizon.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Appeasement Begins Under Our New President

President "Barrak Husein Obama" chooses Arab network for his first TV interview as president! Well-Sur-prise, Sur-prise, Sur-prise!!!

If anyone thinks for one moment, that by appeasing or attempting to appease the Muslim nations, that they will stop their terrorizing, and decide that they don't want to take over the whole world after all, they have lost their marbles mate!

We are headed down a crooked and a perverse path as a nation here people.

Pray saints, pray, or we will all be forced to be under Muslim law eventually.

To view Interview, and read transcripts click link below:


Anonymous said...

Is Jehovah God or Allah?
Stupid question, right?
The God of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is not an American citizen. He cares nothing about the politics of a nation that has rejected Him. We are as a drop of water in the vast ocean in His eyes.

What He does care about is each individual soul. He cares for the soul of President Obama and the soul of everyone in his admimistration. Yes, many anti-god policies are coming forth. Can our God not bring these policies down to nought? Can we not pray to that effect?

Right wing "Christians" are just that,, right wing. Some are as hateful as Islamist in their ideology. Instead of intercession, fasting and prayer on behalf of the lost there is anger, rage and violent speech.

This is not of God. It is difficult to see these things happen to our society; a nation founded on Judeo-christian values. But I pray daily, some days hourly, for the spirit of the grace of our God to be a witness of His forgiveness, His mercy and His salvation to those who have fallen in error or who desire to repent from their rebellion against God.

If they cannot come to us, to whom are they to go?

He shed His grace upon me; why not others? I have been the chiefest of sinners-is His level of mercy deminished for others?

The anger, rage, ranting and hatred shows that many DO NOT THINK that our God has power to reverse the rulings of men! It is a sign of a lack of faith of what He can do if He so chooses.

A Seed Sower said...

I am sorry anon if you think you sense anger and rage in this post...that is yours alone...I pity the soul of Obama and the Muslims and those lost in sin as I once was, it is my desire to make people think, not enrage them...sorry but perhaps there is some anger and rage in your own soul that you need to deal with..I hate no man or woman...I hate sin! Also I think you missed where I asked the saints to pray in this post...Love you! Thanks for taking time to comment!