This blog is designed to make you "think". Also to encourage,exhort,edify and "Warn" the saints of God as we see the day of The Lord on the horrizon.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Warning-Explicit Content-Coming from so called "christians"

Unrestrained, Ungodly, Unholy men and women, who suppose that they should behave as the heathen of the world behave. Those who bring the world into the church, bring lusts of every kind with them. They defile the house of prayer, and they seek for the sheep to defile their temples. The marriage bed is to be pure and undefiled and HOLY. That some fool who calls himself a pastor should encourage such things as spoken of here is an abomination to God. Yes I said fool-any man who says there is no God is a fool, and in order to spout this foul tripe, this man says in his heart there is no God.

The pastor in this video is thinking on things he ought not, and encouraging others to be led astray, therefore he shall receive the greater judgment. He is an earthly sensual man of impure thoughts.

Even the sinners know what is pure and what is not, the fact that a man who calls himself a pastor does not know the difference between the pure and the profane is horrifying...and this America, is one of the reasons that we have been turned over to believe a lie...that we may be damned who took pleasure in unrighteousness!!!

1 comment:

randy said...

Late into the evening, after coming home from work, I surf through the religious stations on television and I am amazed, and dismayed at those who have air time to speak the name of Christ in the ways that they do! As you say, even the world knows that these are not of God. How the mighty have fallen!

It is time to find God for ourselves; if we depend on others, we are in danger of being misdirected. His Spirit we should hold dear and near to our hearts.