This blog is designed to make you "think". Also to encourage,exhort,edify and "Warn" the saints of God as we see the day of The Lord on the horrizon.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Let Him Who Thinks He Stands - Take Heed lest he fall!!!

Saint of God, Satan is going to be allowed to tempt you, and God is going to try you, are you ready?

You may think, “Oh sure, I am solid I have no fear of letting God down”
Just remember saints, Peter was with the very God of Heaven Himself, and what did he do when the chips were down?

Do you consider yourself more able than him?
Let him who thinks he stands, take heed let he fall.

I have found that when I think I can stand, God lets’ me fall for a second, that I might remember my lack and my need to press in even closer to Him.

I fail God, and come so short at times; I panic once in a while when stuck in the furnace, and loose my focus, and I thank God that He forgives me.

I covet the faith of the 3 Hebrew children; I covet the faith of my dear brother Job. But I know that if I just keep pressing in to God, and seek His strength, and ask for more faith, that He will make me victorious in the end, and He will make me able to stand in the end, but I must press in.

It is time to repent of our "self " assurance, and seek God for His strength, and His ability to do a work in us, and make us ready for His coming Kingdom on this earth. He does want us to find our sufficiency in Him, not ourselves or any teacher or leader, or anyone.

He wants to be our central focus, He wants to be our teacher, He wants to lead us by His Spirit. He does not want us seeking after men to fulfill our needs, no matter how godly they may appear, or seem. He wants to lead us, He alone is the Good shepherd.

God has revealed many things to me in this last year.

One thing he has shown me is that when I thought someone was so vile, and so wicked, that they deserved to die, and I actually wanted them to die, just to be free of having to witness such evil.

That I had allowed a spirit of murder to take up residence in my soul.

We have to be so careful for our own souls saints.

God has shown me Mercy and forgiveness and He has shown me His Greatness.

He took that wicked person into the pit that they may cry out for Mercy, he delivered them into the hand of Satan, that their soul might be saved.

He heard them, when they cried unto Him, and created in them a new heart, and a pure mind. He made them a new creature for His Glory, and He showed me, that I sell Him short.

So saints, never, never give up, even on your worst enemy, even on the person you despise the most, because of their evil ways. Because God may have a plan for the one you think is the most beyond salvation.

God loves to prove Himself to His children, to show them His awesome Greatness, so pray for God to soften your heart saint of God, and press into God more than you ever have before, because we are living in the day and hour that our Savior Shall Come!

May we all be found ready, and without spot or blemish for His Glory!!!

And saints, trust God and follow Him alone, for He is the only one who will keep you on the straight and the narrow Path that leads to eternal salvation.

"LORD, I am so sorry that I sell you, so very short, at times, because Lord with you all things are possible!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice post. thanks.