This blog is designed to make you "think". Also to encourage,exhort,edify and "Warn" the saints of God as we see the day of The Lord on the horrizon.

Friday, October 31, 2008

False Prophet Cindy Jacobs & The Wall Street Bull

Saints of God just when ya think you've heard and seen it all!!!!

Here is False Prophet Cindy Jacobs and some of her followers, praying and worshiping around the golden bull idol of wall street, in their efforts to ask God to intervene and save our economy, yes you heard right!!!

On her website Jacobs uses the words Repent, God's Mercy, which are good words. However why ask God to save our money, when it is the love of money and the misuse of money and covetessness that has gotten us into this mess. Although Jacobs prayer points sound very righteous, if she knew the Word and she knew God she would know that she is waisting her time in this venture. The kind of financial eutopia she desires is not to be, we cannot have an ideal world while man rules in it. We will not have true righteousness reigning on this earth until the return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Better to not be concerned about this world and the things of this world and rely on the Lord to provided (as promised) for us daily. Let this economic system fail, it is a wicked system an ungodly system, which God is tearing down. Do these people not recognise God's judgment when it comes, me thinks not.

So they pray in front of a golden bull, sound reminiscent of another account within the Word of God? Do they not know that we cannot serve God and mammon?

The artist who made and deposited the bull on wall street, stated that the stock market crash of 1987 was his inspiration. He created the bull as a symbol of "Strength, power and hope of the American people for the future." Hummm I think there are mixed messages in his statements.

One blogger suggested that bull was created as a mockery of man's greed.

It certainly is a symbol of mans godlessness and idolitary.

To me this is like when Moses went up the mountain to be with God, and the people didn't think Moses was coming back, so they gathered all their gold and melted it down and made the golden calf and bowed themsleves to worship it. Only with this Jacobs woman its like to her Jesus is gone, and is not coming back, so she best take care of things for the people and show them how to get their gold back how to hang on to their god mammon.


randy said...

What a bunch of BULL! (sorry)

It is getting seriously desperate when people who proclaim to represent God start asking Him to make them prosper and restore what He is casting into the streets.

Why should He do anything of the sort? During the times of recent prosperity, Americans have spent more on dog and cat food than for missions, they have aborted tens of thousands of babies since the prosperous 1990's and early 2000's, they have sent their music filled with violence, lust, and greed throughout the entire world; and we pray that this prosperity continue? FOR WHAT?

Our Father will take care of us. We will have food, shelter and a place to lay our heads; which, by the way, is more than His Son had when He was here among us.

Thank you for the wake up call. I pray that His Spirit speak to the hearts and minds that truly want to know Him.

randy said...

Another word this morning regarding the prayers for "continuation of prosperity".

People here in the USA are getting ready to possibly elect a man who has an Islamic background, his place of birth is in question (the Constitution states that a President must be born in the USA), and his associates are a known convicted terrorist who tried to blow up the Pentagon, a Palestinian in America who was a close associate of Yassar Arafat, a businessman from Chicago who is about as dirt and corrupt and they come, and he is pro abortion, pro gay rights, pro Arab and proclaims to be a Christian! How confused can a people become?

And possibly a majority of Americans will vote for this man! If even 10% supported him, that would be bad enough, but a majority?

And we want God to fix our economy? Such FOOLISHNESS!!

A Seed Sower said...

Yes brother Randy professing themselves to be wise they became fools worshiping the creature more than their creator...this is worship of the creature comforts. Oh no Lord don't take our prosperity from us, don't take our is truly sickening.

Diana Kukk said...

The only way the people of God will turn back to Him from all of their idolatry is when their sins become exposed, they are moved out of their comfort zone, and realize their more important spiritual needs. This will happen when their vain hope is exposed, their carnal securities are dashed and their false peace is rocked!

Anonymous said...

Jesus told us to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
With that said..if we could get individuals saved each saved person will begin to respect God, other people's lives, and money, hence the economy would improve. But this mess didn't happen overnight it is centuries in the making.
It is simply the judgments of God on a ungodly nation.
Salvation is an individual thing!

A Seed Sower said...

Amen "Anon" Salvation is a God thing! No man comes to God except God draw him.

Unknown said...

I find it interesting that the one criticizing Cindy Jacobs can't even leave his/her name - but well able to name the one they are criticizing.
Sue from the U.S.

A Seed Sower said...

Sue, Cindy Jacobs and others like her put themselves out publicly they want to make a name for themselves, others do not and prefer to remain anon...because they are mereley brethren, just sheep like all the body of Christ, none greater than the other.
God bless you!

stacey said...

Judge not lest you be judged.Only God know the true motive and heart of a man.Jesus calls us to love one another and pray for one another, not judge and condemn what you do not know or understand. Be careful. May God bless you!

A Seed Sower said...

Staceym, the children of God are to judge a what a prophet tells them, and we are to try the spirits of what sort they are, and Cindy Jacobs is a proven false prophet.
The saints shall judge the world and judge angels. We had better know how to judge a false prophet now, or we shall buy into the greatest deception of all time that is already upon us.
The scripture does not tell us not to judge wolves either...we are to judge righteous judgment according to scripture Stacey.