Just So As Ya Know, I Don't Trust This Guy Either!
He and his wife are Pro-Choice, which means in fact they are Pro-Death and Anti-God, as much as Obama. He has been liberal in his political leanings.
Granted in his past this man suffered, but that suffering obviously did not draw him to the Heart of God, and to obeying His Word.
And Just so as ya know, "Esthers" not going to be running the country if he gets in, he will be, and I don't think, "Esthers" gonna change his mind on abortion, or to much else, she's just window dressing folks to lure God's people to vote.
I have witnessed this man's rage on national television back some time ago, in an attempted on the run interview with Maria Schriver (not extolling the virtues of Schriver here) and thought to myself, this man has something pent up and askew in his heart, because his countenance and manner are betraying him, temper, temper.
So folks looks like we all have some praying to do, how be it, it's a day late and a dollar short, me thinks that God is going to give this nation what it has been asking for and deserves. The night has passed the hour is short and we have not repented church, we love our prosperity and we want leaders who will allow us to keep all our stuff ,and gather yet more mammon. We love our earthly kingdoms and ministries that we have built Simple as that!
We have turned our backs to the council of the Most High and we have been weighed in the balances and found wanting.
The sanity of anyone that would want to be President of a nation in such shape as ours is questionable. Even King Solomon would decline such an assignement, I believe!
My prayer is that your blog gets out and people will come to the knowledge of the truth. Keep up the good work of our Lord.
Praise God Suzzie, thank you for the word of encouragement. I too pray that God will get His Word of Truth out to all who have a heart to receive it, and that many will awaken to the day and hour in which we are living.
God Bless You
Seed Sower!
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