


Darlene Zschech & Hillsong-traitors to the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
OH Dear Lord help me, saints right now I am mortified, I have just been listening to ex-catholic priest Richard Bennett on his website, the link is posted to your right. Oh Dear God in Heaven How can your people be so blind?
I just heard that Hillsong performed for the Popes World Youth Day in Australia, and that Darlene Zschech made the following statement: "We see World Youth Day as a great opportunity to serve the Catholic Church in it's vision to present the gospel and reach out to our city,our nation and our world in unity."
Saints i am seeing red right now, I cannot believe that someone who professes to be a child of God could be so dumb and so very, very blind. That this woman, this group, this church she is a part of, could lead so many people astray to believe a lie.
The gospel according to Rome? The gospel according to Rome is not "Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life, and no man cometh to the Father but by Him."
The gospel of Rome is your saved through the ordinaces of the church and through baptism, and through marriage, and through being a Roman Catholic. Oh but they also say, there are other ways that we can accept like, Hindusim....Oh saints the depth of the deception is so very real.
Saints we can not, we must not, unify with Rome. Saints she is guilty of the blood of the saints. She is the Spiritual harlot, the deceiver the one who leads mens hearts to perdition-utter destruction, eternal damnation. Saints the Word of God tells us not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. Unity for the sake of unity is abomination. You cannot be yoked to someone who does not believe the truth of the word of God, and who is not a born again beliver in Jesus Christ, as the only means of mans salvation. There are not many paths to heaven that is a lie from the pit of hell.
Not only did she perform through their eleborate video displays and theatrics, but through the mass, the adoration of the communion wafer, where the Roman Catholics believe they literaly consume the body of Christ. Saints this is blasphemy on the part of Hillsong. They had the ordasity to call this "A Holy Gathering"..NO it was an UNHOLY GATHERING!
This is an outrage and should be an offense to any true saint of God.
Come to think of it I shouldn't be so mortifyed, I know some of the things they do at Hillsong and some of the false prophets and teachers they entertain there, so hey this is par for the course.
My heart breaks for the impressionable people they have to influence. Oh God wake up your people, before they follow after the false prophet and the anti-christ to their eternal death.
Oh dear, if the blind lead the blind they shall both fall in the ditch. Saints please take the time to go to Richard's site and listen to the video. Thank You and God bless you.
I am starting to become a person that is suprised by very few things lately. So I think there will be more things than this atempting to take by suprise. Mostly people make desisions based on false preceptions rathar than the truth(the Word of God). So it is only natural that they will make decisions that lead to destruction. Most don't want truth and when they are faced with it they just run deper in to darkness.But all any one with the truth can do is just present it and do the best they can not to mess it up by there own life testemoney trusting the results to God.
Shalom B'Yeshua,
While i was still thinking on this situation last night,God spoke this scripture to my heart,"This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me." I have already started on another blog but i will wait a day or so to post it I think. Please pray that this word gets out about Hillsong.
Thank you for your comment Peter
Please see my comment for the later blog. It comes as no surprise. I have long since come to the conclusion that this church is not a Christian church, despite the fact that I have friends and acquaintances who go there. I heard Bobby Houston preach at a ladies' meeting where I used to attend church and she said "When I get to heaven, God is going to stand up and applaud me...." (the context being because He loved her and was pleased with her). I felt so sick that I wanted to leave, but all the other ladies were crying with great emotion, as was Bobby herself when talking about how much she loved 'her ladies'. Then, more recently, I looked at the ladies' page on the Hillsong website. It is nothing short of white witchcraft. Beware of things which look good on the outside, and placate to the flesh, but really are full of demons. I am reminded of Ezekiel's vision, where he sees through the walls where all the religious leaders of the day are meeting, and sees crawling, creeping demons(Ezekiel 6) But don't fear, true believers even though we are a little, scattered flock, for the Lord Himself knows where we are and will gather us to Himself (Ezekiel 34)
Glory to God Sister Bonnie, thank you so much for sharing the truth with the saints of God.
We may share more on Hillsong in the future as the Lord leads.
What is sad though is the fact that many will not head the warnings, yet we must give them none the less because if we dont we will have the blood of many upon our hands.
We warn because we love the saints, this some do not understand but it is the truth.
Even Paul said in Galatians 4:16
Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
Yes we can be thankful that He knows where all His saints are scattered, and He is yoking us together from all parts of the world. Some of us may never meet this side of Heaven, but it is a certainty that we will recoginze each other on the day we are together for all eternity amen. In the mean time we can Praise Him for allowing us to minister to one another through this means...Amen
I think this is good. if we arrive ti united the church around the earth, we will be able to make people open and really be able to share the truth.
Hillsong si a great church and Darlene is full of love for people as Christ image.
the testimony she gave when she came sing at this evenment was a beautiful image of love for everyone.
please be nice and think with Christ's love.... without love we are nothing
(Mik you said: I think this is good. if we arrive ti united the church around the earth, we will be able to make people open and really be able to share the truth.)
Thank you for you comment Mik,
First of all I would suggest that you read some of the blogs I have put together on Roman Catholicism.
If you go to the June and September blogs you will find them.
Roman Catholicism does not teach that Jesus is the way the truth and the life, and that no man comes to the Father but by Him.
Therefore to say one is joining with them to spread the truth around the earth, is in itself a lie, because they do not preach the truth.
To yoke together with them is in direct opposition to the written Word of God, it is breaking the commandments of God.
2 Corinthians 6:14-18
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
15And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
16And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
17Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
18And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
You may say well the Catholics are believers. Yes but what is it they believe? Even the demons believe, many a person who does not live for God believes that He is.
Secondly the Truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ has been preached, is being preached, but unfortunately people would rather believe a lie because it makes them feel better.
We have had several centuries to share the truth. In the last days the Word of God says that He will
send an angel out to all the earth to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, He will not depend upon mere men to get the job done.
Revelation 14:6-7
And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
7Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
(You said: Hillsong si a great church and Darlene is full of love for people as Christ image.)
Darlene may well appear to be full of love for people, however to truly love people, is to tell them the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
To truly love Jesus is to keep His commandments.
Darlene is deceived by the seducing spirit of this Last day’s church age, and is willing to compromise the Truth of the gospel for the sake of unity. This is not in Christ’s image. It is The Truth that sets people free.
(You said: the testimony she gave when she came sing at this evenment was a beautiful image of love for everyone. )
Oh I am sure it was a beautiful image of love, but who’s image, and who’s love.
(You said: please be nice and think with Christ's love without love we are nothing, Mik )
As I said the truth is love, to not stand for the truth of God’s Word is not love, it is a counterfeit, a false hood, a deception.
One of the marks of one who truly manifests love (Charity) is this that they: “Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;” 1 Corinthians 13:6
The truth of God’s Word is paramount in these last days, and we are commanded not to yoke ourselves together with unbelievers.
God bless you, sorry that you perceive my blog as unloving but as Paul once said: Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? Galatians 4:16
Helen/aka Seed Sower!
I am a Catholic and i just want to say that The Catholic Church absolutely teaches that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and that noone comes to the Father except through him. You speak like you are an experct on Catholicism, when you clearly don't have the faintest idea. It is sad to see someone who seems to have care about the truth be so far from it, but i pray one day you will find il... Please, keep your heart and mind open to God's plan for you, regardless of where He leads you. Afterall, if you are right then you have nothing to lose. I am going to pray for you, even though you probably don't want my prayers. God bless.
To the roman catholic. Sorry but your catholic vatican does not teach that Jesus is the "only way" to heaven. I know, cause i was brought up in that system. Having fully investigated that "cult",prior to leaving,i discovered many beliefs which the average catholic has very little "knowledge about, and i guess that is because they just cant accept that their belief system is flawed. those people unfortunjately have been deceived, and are in deception. It took me six years to completely understand that the vatican catholic system was definitly a cult, albeit a respectable one at that , dont get me wrong, i know and respect many catholics, whom i pray for. Nevertheles my friend, if you really want to understand 'truth', then read the kjv bible. you could read other versions as well, but do include this version, which has stood the test of time.God bless you as you begin the 'truth search'.
Hi! Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I'm not blaming any denomination which we're in. This is very important we have to search the Holy bible.I was a roman catholic before and I know the God thru this religion. One day God direct my feet
in a church that lead me to know Him better. I heard from the preacher that worshipping God must worship Him in Spirit in Truth. God
is not image of stone or wood carve like a man. So i search the Bible
Exudos when Moses receive the commends of God thru this my mind was open to understand who is God and understand how will i worship Him. First i did i surrender to Him i accept that i am a sinner worshipping the image ( idols ) as imaginary of God. But God said it is abominable it is a great sin. Now I ask His Holy Spirit to come in me to open more understanding about this Holy Bible. I blame the ruler of this dark age ( devil the father if lies ). Come out from those priest who are not proclaiming the word of truth of salvation. While there's still time. It's not our wisdom to understand how to worship the one God. Only the wisdom
from the Holy Bible will satisfies our questions on how we worship the true living God. God bless all.
Praise God that He brought you out of the Roman Catholic Religion, and that He is leading you by His Holy Spirit into all truth!
All of this arguing resolves nothing. Seed Sower I understand your desire to speak the truth but the way we say things is very important. The basis for Christianity is Love. Christ is at the centre of everything we believe: Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Despite the fact that you do not agree with the beliefs of the Roman Catholic church, we must correct and admonish in love. Christianity is about relationship with Jesus Christ and I know people from the Catholic church who do believe that Jesus is the only way. I believe that the best way to achieve change is to pray. Pray that God will guide all of us into all truth by His Holy Spirit and give us a spirit of discernment that we may know truth from error. I happen to be greatly moved by the music of Darlene Zschech. Her lyrics express a desire to grow closer to God and know Him more and I love that. God has used her songs to speak to me many times.
@Set Apart girl, I wasn't aware that there was any arguing going on in this line of comments. I answer to God, and I seek to please Him alone.
I love the saints of the Most High God, therefore it is my reasonable service to Him, and them, to speak the truth always, and warn the sheep.
Many will lead the un-warned into the end time one world religion, and under the reign of the Anti-Christ.
All that seems warm fuzzy and lovely is not.
I do not seek to be accepted by all, neither did Christ nor His disciples, they were all willing to suffer unto death.
Today's orginized apostate church system (including Hillsong church) and those of it, know precious little about suffering, and seek only worldly prosperity, and acceptance, I do not, if you found any of my comments offensive, then all I can say is you must have been looking to be offended. Thank you for taking time to leave a note.
Weew.. I think u just misinterpreted what Darlene said.. Anyway I don't care, lets just focus on making our faith bigger.. Don't be judgemental and stop stepping in the life of others. Darlene is known for her unique talent in worship leading and, may I ask, why are you looking at the life of a worshipper? Can you just focus on the meaning and spirit of the song which is all about Jesus? I think you're focusing on the people.. God bless
Only God knows what is inside the heart of everyone.... How can a 'born again christian' judge her brethren and A NAME OF AN INDIVIDUAL AND OF A CHURCH in a public blog without knowing the whole truth which is only found in Jesus?! Are you Jesus, the only righteous Judge!? Are you a judge in profession? Hahaha.. Don't misinterpret them and me.. Just focus on your life, and don't invade each others life..at the end of the day, God will judge us according to our life
The act of leading worship for the Great Whore the Harlot is to join yourself to her which God forbids, for what fellowship hath light with darkness,and whatcommunion hath Christ with the devil? do you not know that the saints of God shall judge angels? Then how much More things that pertain to this life...I callthings as I see them..this was an abomination and and afront to an all Holy God..period!
Anon, I serve God not man and what ever He directs me to share, I share. The truth is always an offense to those who do not love it. We are forbidden to yoke ourselves together with unbelievers. The Pope is not a believer, if he was he would never allow himself to enthroned as a king, nor allow men and women to bow down to him. He is under strong delusion as is Darlene.
Brother/Sister of this blog, I fully agree with what you have said here. Darlene is either ignorant of the fact that she is not to be unequally yoked to the catholic church or she has knowingly and willingly compromised her faith. Either way, what she did was wrong because by singing at the catholic world youth day and endorsing teh catholic church, she has knowingly or unknowingly misled others to think the catholic church is of Christ and God, when it is not. I hope she will realised her mistake and change her ways.
thank you for leaving a comment anon...and it's sister...lol GBU
we Catholics DO NOT believe Jesus is 'consumed' in the Eucharist, he is eaten but never consumed that is the beautiful prayer of the Eastern Catholic Rite 'the Lord Jesus in these holy mysteries eaten but never consumed" consumed means that eventually the body of christ will be all eaten up, will desist so to speak. we agree that for anyone to believe he is 'consumed' and noone does believe he is. secondly the bible states quite clearly that jesus is truly present in the eucharist, it is your LACK OF FAITH that causes you to deny it
You may not believe that the eucharitst turns into the body of Christ, but your Priests and Popes believe it, and that he dies over and over in the eucharist...Truth is Jesus died once for all, and the taking of the bread represents as a "remembrance" His body that was given for us....as it is written.."Do this in rembrance of me"...
taking this comment "We see World Youth Day as a great opportunity to serve the Catholic Church in it's vision to present the gospel and reach out to our city,our nation and our world in unity."
i don't believe in what men say, but believe in what God says..... if she could say that then questions need to be answered...
may be i would love to get the proof that Hillsong is not a christian society basing on preaching the gospel
Matsiko,it is written that if we love GOD we will keep His commandments, and it is written that we should not fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, for light has no fellowship with darkness, which darkness the Roman Catholic church is, for her popes usurp and claim for themselves the titles and authority that belong to God Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit alone..."The Holy Father" "The Head of the Church" and "The Representative of Christ"(The Vicar of Christ). This is an Abomination to God, so for any so called Christian to yoke themselves to the RC church to help further it's agenda in the world is absolutely breaking God's commands to His saints.
One important question. Why does your home page have the number 97911? that is the mark of the beast you know. It is 9 then 7+1+1=9, then 9. if you put it the other way round then it is 666. You are right with your words. but that number is really really destructing me. Maybe you should remove it, or are you the devil's ambassador? I hope that is not the case. maybe they were probably trying to rich out to the youth those that believe in the pope. Still what they did was completely wrong, associating themselves with some deceptive leader.I think Darlene is really a true women of God. I do not know about the rest of Hillsong. It is all about reaching out and serving God here. I hope that was their intention.God bless all the true worshipers of God. and God be with you.
What? I see no number on my home page nor have I put a number on my home page, you would have to consult google on that one.
Dear Seed Sower,
I admire your courage in these rapidly changing times. I greatly suspect that the beautiful saints that lost their lives horrendously (yet valiantly) during the Reformation are weeping at this very moment. They fought against Rome because for them there was no other choice. It was "submit to Rome or die." They chose death.
Today's "saints" have forgotten their heritage (or maybe never truly understood it); for we now see that the Reformation is being slowly and methodically reversed. Protestants, Evangelicals and Fundamentals were at one time viewed as heretics. Since the public relations campaign of Vatican II we are now called "separated brethren." Their primary goal is to "win" Protestants back into their fold. Next on the agenda is Islam. Then Hinduism, etc., etc. Few Catholics realize that the true agenda of the Roman Church is world dominion!
You are quite correct--it is a "cult," perhaps the most dangerous cult that exists.
Be bold, Seed Sower, for the time IS HERE when many will not endure sound doctrine.
Well bless your heart Diane G. I posted this 6 years ago, but it is still relevant, thank you for taking the time to leave your comment... we are surely living in the last of the last days. Helen.
Amen Seed Sower for writing the Truth!
It looks like Darlene has not repented of selling out her faith to the roamnc catholi church in 2008. It is the year 2015 now and just a few months ago, she was in Vatican with Don Moen (of all people) singing once agaain for the pope. This act of hers just confirmed she has crossed over to the dark side.
Yes and Hillsong is being revealed for the cesspool that it is, I just posted a video by Brian Moonan from You-tube, it is yet another excellent espose' on Hillsong... Darlene, well she has brought into the Great Whore hook line and sinker for sure.. thank you for taking time to leave a comment.
You nailed it. That's what I am doing
Thank you.
Soo much ignorance about Catholic teaching on this blog.
I have always said, any Catholic who truly knows the Catholic Church will never see reason to leave it.
The guys who in the comments were insisting that they grew up in the system and know it well were still displaying their ignorance of Church teaching and the Bible
Ronnie Akena, Ignorance of Catholic teachings? The Roman Catholic church is pretty transparent with it's teachings and its idolatry and it's Mary worship.. And it's ordaining men to be Popes who usurp the very titles of God the Father, Jesus the head of the church, and the Holy Spirit the representative of Christ on earth, who in turn tell men not to read the written word of God for themselves.. that is the true ignorance. I pray your eyes be opened.
Thank you for speaking the truth. The Ecumenical unity movement is so much worse today than it was when you wrote this article. So many streaming towards unity with the pope and his apostate pagan religion. History shows that their roots are from Babylon. There is no denying that the false teachings were added through the years and are not found in the Bible. People need to stop following these so called celebrities and follow Jesus and His Word alone. Praying that Catholics and wayward ecumenical protestants open their Bibles and find the truth.
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